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The Ultimate Checklist for How to Get Organized at Home

The Ultimate Checklist for How to Get Organized at Home
By Flow Wall
March 19, 2022

It is quite clear that the sense of isolation has led us down a path of organizational apathy during these recent years. It’s OK. You are not alone. It is time for the new year and a new you. Walk with us as we go room by room, space by space, task by task to help you figure out how to get organized at home fast.

Why Use Checklists?

Checklists keep you focused. Checklists are flexible and amendable as new tasks are discovered. Checklists give you a sense of accomplishment as each task is ticked off and are a thrill when an entire checklist has been completed.

Room By Room

The first task for how to get your whole house organized is to create your checklists. If you are a real techy, you can use home organization apps, but the easiest way is just to grab some scratch paper (less for you to recycle later!) and start roaming your rooms. Figure out how to tackle that mud room. Create your dream design for organizing your craft room.

Step by Step

Room organization comes in three main stages:

  1. Pull it all out

  2. Clean it all up

  3. Put it all away

Pull It All Out

Start your sorting process as you remove things from shelves, cupboards, and floor spaces. Decide:

  • What stays

  • What gets donated or given away

  • What gets stored elsewhere

  • What gets tossed

Clean It All Up

Wipe down all room surfaces and clean or launder everything going back into it. You will have a clean slate that will leave you breathing a sigh of relief.

Put It All Away

Create a storage and reshelving plan that considers what is used often and what is used seasonally. What should be at your fingertips, and what can be placed in a high cupboard that requires a stepstool. The way you store visible items can enhance the room decor.

Your How to Get Organized at Home Checklist

Not ready to make up your own checklist? You can use a general ultimate decluttering checklist, or there are plenty of lists already compiled that you can use as jumping-off points to help you organize your:

Keep It Decluttered

Once you have your clean, breathable space, you want to keep it that way. There are simple steps you can take to maintain your organizational mojo.


  • Make your bed

  • Open and sort all mail

  • Straighten up coffee tables and nightstands

  • Fold and put away blankets

  • Do the dishes. At a minimum, rinse and stack them or load them in the dishwasher. Do NOT stack them in the sink.


  • Process mail and pay bills, then shred what you can and file what you need to save.

  • Go through fridge and empty items that will not be eaten

  • Straighten up pantry


  • Purge papers, magazines, and catalogs

  • Look at next month’s events calendar and plan ahead

You may want to review and declutter your home annually. If you are still struggling with letting something go, use the Marie Kondo method. Hold it in your hands, and if it does not spark joy, it is time to let it go.

Get Organized

What are you waiting for? Flow Wall can’t wait to help you turn your living space into a comfortable and productive haven of health and happiness. House or garage, we have a starter system for you. Can’t quite picture how great it will look? Use our online visualizer to plan your Flow Wall system.