Do you know how to organize and spring clean the garage safely? Here are some safe and effective ways to clean or declutter your garage any time of the year.
1. Properly plan this project.
Sit down and think about what you want to accomplish. Create a checklist, including all the needed supplies. If you make a plan and stock up on supplies ahead of time, you can complete a thorough garage spring cleaning in one weekend or less.
Pick a day when it isn’t raining or snowing, too hot or too cold, so you’re comfortable. If you have friends or family members who want to help, sign them up for specific duties. This is an excellent way for kids to earn extra money. Factor in meals and breaks so you don’t burn yourself out. Then turn on some music or an interesting podcast to help make the time go faster.
2. Get rid of the clutter.
Remove everything that isn’t secured to the floor or walls of your garage. Put everything into sections outside or in a porch area. Organize them into three piles: 1) things you want to keep, 2) things you want to throw away, and 3) items to donate.
This makes it easier to see what you have, want, and no longer need. It’s also easier to deep clean the garage when it’s nearly empty.
Donate, recycle, or throw away anything you haven’t used in the past two years. If you can, take all the discarded items immediately to the trash or local dump. Put the items to donate in your car or immediately contact the non-profit of your choice to come and pick them up.
3. Sweep out and dust the garage.
Clean the walls and sweep the floor. Remove dust, cobwebs, and stains. When you’re finished, open any windows and doors. Get that musty air out of there.
If you have stationary fans, position them to help air out the garage. Use a mask to stay safe and reduce the risk of respiratory issues during this process.
4. Get out the hose.
Is it OK to hose down the garage? Well, it depends on the finish materials in your garage. If your garage is primarily concrete or cinderblock, yes. You can even use the hose on hard-to-reach corners where the walls meet the ceiling. If your garage is finished with drywall or wood, be careful not to soak those parts, as they can grow mold that can be harmful to humans and animals over the long term.
Wash your garage floor with water and a gentle cleanser. Choose a biodegradable and phosphate-free product so you won’t harm your grass, trees, or plants. Click here for tips on cleaning tough oil stains in your garage. Click here for tips on cleaning tough oil stains in your garage.

5. Don’t forget the garage doors and windows.
Rinse both sides of any doors with your hose or water from a bucket, and then wipe them down with a sponge. Pure vinegar and warm water can remove stubborn stains. Use glass cleaner for the window panes.
Garage spring cleaning time is also great to schedule a professional inspection. Ensure your garage door is working properly and doesn’t need any major repairs.
6. Determine how much storage space you have and need.
If you have many items to store but not a lot of storage space in your garage, consider the attic or basement. Any inside closets with available space? If not, re-consider what you should throw away or donate.
For the items you can keep in the garage, do you have a designated space for them? Sometimes the best thing for an organized garage is cabinetry, slat walls, and storage racks. You can also affix shelves and hooks to hang items on underutilized wall space.
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After you spring clean your garage, organize everything to create more space for your cars. Whether you have to organize garden tools, car supplies, or sporting equipment, our sleek and effective storage solutions can help. Parking cars inside will keep them safe and looking better all year long. Get organized today.