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Psychological Benefits of Organization

Psychological Benefits of Organization
By Flow Wall
October 25, 2016

Disorganization can be incredibly detrimental to your lifestyle. Cluttered spaces aren't just unpleasant for guests, reflecting poorly on your image. Messiness can also prevent you from being fully productive and affect your physical and mental health. To better understand just how powerful organization is, it's helpful to look beyond just it's obvious physical advantages. Below are five health benefits of being more organized.

1. Say Goodbye to Stress

Perhaps the biggest advantage to being organized is its ability to decreases stress. On a basic level, a messy room is essentially too much information for the eye to process at once. It then acts as a visual reminder to the brain of what needs to happen to achieve a tidy and organized space. While you may not notice this stress on a daily basis, the low-grade presence of it inevitably depletes your energy.

2. Natural Nurturing

Organization has a natural way of nurturing your psyche, whereas clutter has the exact opposite - making the brain anxious and overworked. By coming home to a clean organized house or starting every day in an orderly office, you can focus on the present tasks at hand or comfortably relax without your brain being too stimulated. Organization brings tranquility to a space which, as the previous benefit highlighted, helps to reduce stress and improve your body's overall ability to relax and rejuvenate.

3. A Revolution for Rest

Staying organized can revolutionize the way you sleep. Going to bed with a messy house - particularly a messy room - can greatly impact how your body and mind shifts into rest because you're trying to shut down your brain when your eyes are still over processing all of the surrounding information. Furthermore, having unnecessary items in your bedroom increases your chances of trapping dust, dirt, and other bacteria that can be harmful to your immune system. Even something as simple as making your bed every day can have a big impact on the way you sleep. In fact, a survey by the National Sleep Foundation found that those who make their bed every morning are 19 percent more likely to report good, regular rest. A whopping 75 percent said they felt they got a better night sleep with fresh, clean sheets because they felt better physically.

4. Increase Endorphins

Learning to be organized will help you better stick to a normal schedule, which comes in particularly handy if you've promised your body a regular workout routine. At the same time, having an organized workout regimen allows you to see the progress you've made, which is very similar to the process of becoming organized. The more you stick to an orderly schedule, the more positive results you'll see. Furthermore, by staying organized and sticking to an exercise program, you will naturally boost your endorphins, the "happy chemical" in your brain. These endorphins then trigger a mild sense of euphoria that makes your body feel good, enabling and encouraging you to stick with your process.

5. Pump Up the Productivity

Plain and simple, clutter is distracting. When you're surrounded by things that distract you, they prevent you from focusing on the task at hand. Looking at too many things at once is an overload of information for your eyes that your brain is unable to process all at once. Start correcting this problem by staying organized one step at a time. Organize your desk - or whatever your workspace might be - first, then move on to the surrounding office. Once you've achieved an organized working environment, you'll likely notice the clutter back at home. Begin organizing one room at a time, starting with those most frequently used. By the time you're finished, you'll find your productivity at an all-time high. Staying organized can be challenging, especially if you find yourself constantly stretched for time. However, with the right organizational tools and a positive mindset, you can achieve a stress-free, psychologically nourishing lifestyle while being more productive, getting better sleep, and having more exercise.
