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The Surprising Health Benefits of Being Organized

The Surprising Health Benefits of Being Organized
By Flow Wall
April 5, 2018

When things are messy and disorganized, you tend to feel overwhelmed, more tired, and more stressed. Some of the benefits of being well-organized are obvious: it's easier to keep track of things, everything has a place so you're less likely to lose things, and it's easier to stay on top of deadlines and schedules, which makes you more likely to be on time for meetings and other engagements. But what we don't often hear about is how keeping things neat and orderly is actually good for our minds and bodies. In fact, there are many health benefits of organization. When you get down to it, being organized is about you enabling you to have more time for yourself and helping you to live a more balanced, successful life. Here's how cleaning up your life can improve your stress and health, along with a few organizing tips.

Be More Productive

It may not seem like an energy booster, but tidying up could potentially help you be more efficient in how you work. If you've hit that midday slump and find yourself with zero motivation to be productive, try spending a few minutes cleaning up your workspace. Clean out your inbox, sort through the memos and various papers on your desk, empty your wastebasket. A freshly organized workspace allows you to work more efficiently and could improve your mood and energy level.

It Helps You Sleep Better

Not getting enough sleep is a common problem many adults face. You may think it doesn't matter since your bedroom's primary function is sleep, but clutter in your bedroom might be causing more harm than you think it is. Try limiting the amount of clutter and disorganization there is in your room. By doing this, you can help your brain relax when you're in that room and it may help you sleep better. Bedroom organization is a culprit of stress that many people don't consider. Combat the problem by giving your room a complete overhaul. Throw out old receipts on your dresser, put away your laundry, and don't allow your nightstand to become a catchall for the stuff in your pockets. Move anything that is not necessary for rest out of your room. Another small, easy tip is to make your bed every morning. It takes 2 minutes, you start your day out feeling productive, and when you come home at night your room is ready for you to relax in.

It Can Lower Stress

Oftentimes when we are stressed one of the first things to start slipping is our level of organization. If may not be noticeable at first, but as you start to let things pile up here and there and forget to keep up on your daily chores it can quickly add up. Unfortunately this disorganization can contribute to more stress and it can become a vicious cycle. By taking the time to streamline your organization and reduce clutter in your home, you could help set yourself up for future success. Keeping your home organized helps it feel more restorative. It also helps you feel happier.

Where Can You Start?

Now that you know the benefits of organization, you might feel overwhelmed about where to start. Try to pick a space that is used a lot and is in the most need of tidying up, like your home office, playroom, or garage. Install a pegboard or panel walls that allows you to hang shelves, hooks, and bins in an adjustable manner. Make use of hanging storage organizers‚ larger hanging storage bins for bigger objects, such as toys, pet supplies, or garden tools. To continue with hanging storage, use small hanging storage bins for tools such as writing utensils, scissors, and tape. If you're organizing a garage or shed, invest in quality storage systems. Place smaller tools and yard supplies inside cabinets, and put hooks on the walls for large objects like rakes, shovels, or bikes. Use wall shelves to store often-used items, like potting soil, gloves, and pots if you're into gardening, or automotive supplies if you enjoy working on cars.
