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Tips To Build A Home Gym That Won't Empty Your Pockets

Tips To Build A Home Gym That Won't Empty Your Pockets
By Flow Wall
December 28, 2017

You may think that setting up a home gym is an expensive and time-consuming proposition. But there are some ways to accomplish this in a cost-effective manner. It may seem daunting at first but can turn into a fun adventure. All you need to get started is a small space that you can dedicate to your home gym. Here are a few tips on building your home gym on a budget.

Buy the Right Equipment

Your home gym can be a great place to exercise even without the bulky machines or a ton of equipment. The best workout equipment can actually be quite inexpensive and small in size. For instance, you could opt for foam rollers which don't take up much space and are incredibly versatile. They can be used to build core strength, to enhance your yoga practice and to knead out muscles. If you're looking to get effective cardio workouts but can't afford a treadmill, a jump rope is a great substitute. When it comes to strength training, instead of spending money on expensive cable machines and unnecessary weights, buy one set of dumbbells that are adjustable. Stability balls are useful and add an element of fun to workouts, but they can be difficult to store. Instead, you can use balance discs for at home workouts. When you're low on space, but still want all the benefits of a home gym you could consider using customizable wall storage systems. If you're looking for shelving or cabinets for your home gym, or even hooks and bins to make sure you increase the utility of your workout space to hang equipment, workout gear or even your spare workout attire, Flow Wall has lots of options to choose from.

Consider Alternatives to Big Brand Names

The urge to fill up your home gym with name brand gym equipment can be tempting. Equipment such as power racks are expensive to purchase, especially if you decide to order them from a well know brand or online retailer. What makes these purchases even harder on your wallet is that you'll end up spending as much or even more than the cost of the machine on shipping. Your best bet is to go local and buy these from retailers in the vicinity. Local sports goods stores offer cheaper alternatives that are made of high-quality materials and are pretty much the same in terms of functionality and manufacturing. If you don't have a sports goods store nearby, you can try visiting fitness shows. These are quite frequently held all over the country, and you're bound to find good deals on fitness equipment. Check out the CrossFit equipment required for a garage gym.

Give Resistance Bands a Try

Resistance bands must be a part of every home gym as they are low on cost and extremely versatile. These are usually made from elasticized plastic banding or tubing that is cut to length. There are also more advanced bands available that come with door attachments and handles. They can be used in the place of dumbbells for a number of exercises where light to moderate resistance is needed. Resistance bands are basically low-cost versions of expensive universal exercise machines. You can strap a band to a table, bench or door to perform standing chest presses, shoulder exercises, squats, and lat pull-downs. If you want to perform tougher, more advanced workouts, there are suspension training systems that have been developed using resistance bands. The systems involve straps that can be attached to doors or ceiling trusses and allow you to use your body weight as resistance.  These are compact, light, cost-effective and you can perform a multitude of exercises with them.

Opt for A Multi-Tasking Foam Roller

People used to think of foam rolling as a technique meant solely for professional athletes. But the effectiveness of using a foam roller has been proven, and people at all levels of fitness are now embracing this. Foam rollers are an excellent tool to enhance performance and increase mobility. When used regularly they can eliminate troublesome muscle aches and pain in addition to preventing injuries. They typically cost no more than 20$ and take up only 5-10 minutes of your time. You'll soon start to notice a drastic improvement in mobility and your range of motion. As a result, you'll be less prone to injuries and stop experiencing the aches and pains you normally feel when you put your body through certain movements.

Final Thoughts

Your dream home gym may contain a king-sized power rack, a fully loaded dumbbell rack, multiple bars, full-sized mirrors and professional flooring. But you cannot put this together overnight and it's probably going to cost you thousands of dollars. People with fully equipped home gyms have probably spent years setting them up, adding accessories and updating equipment. Before you start to feel discouraged, remind yourself that a lot of this equipment is actually unnecessary. You can perfect your form and physique just as well with a simple, low-cost equipment and don't really need that $1000 Olympic bar or $3000 power rack. These are great things to have if you can afford them, but in the world of fitness, functionality is key. So, don't let your image of an ideal garage gym make you feel like your setup is not good enough to do the job. And remember that while it is a great idea to shop smart and get cheap deals, safety comes first. Always opt for high-quality equipment and choose the best ones you can afford.
